Foods you should not feed your dog

Foods you should not feed your dog

We, human beings, have over the course of time developed a digestive system that is capable of handling and digesting a wide variety of foods. As time passed by, we became increasingly more creative with our food, we created new foods, new combinations of food and new supplements to enhance the experience and pleasure of eating. However not all our foods are good to our dogs and because of this there are some foods you should not feed your dog, since they will cause him harm.

The majority of dogs love food and are specially attracted to what they see people eat, and although sharing a small bit of your food with them is fine and kinda nice, you should take caution of which foods you should not feed your dog.

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Dog Leather Leash

Golden Retriever Leash Training

If you want your dog to walk nicely right next to you without pulling, then you need to teach him how to walk properly. Dogs aren’t born knowing they shouldn’t pull ahead or lag behind their owner when walking on a leash. Most dogs often run around as fast they can, while others stop, sniff and urinate on everything through their way while they explore the world, these are common and natural behaviors for any dog.

What you need to start
To golden retriever leash training you will need a lightweight 6 foot leash, a collar and some tasty treats your dog doesn’t eat often but loves them nonetheless.

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Golden Retriever Obediently Sitting

Golden Retriever Obedience Tips

Obedience training is very important, it teaches golden retrievers how to act properly to a number of situations, and provides the means from which you as a owner are able to command your dog to do certain things at any given time, giving you more control over you dog, this is one of the first things taught in obedience training and the first topic approached when giving golden retriever obedience tips to anyone.

This is useful to have your dog react to a number of orders, either being for walking, sitting, stopping, laying down, playing fetch, and so on. Another useful aspect about commands, is their usefulness to prevent your dog from doing things he shouldn’t do, and in the event it already did such things, see him comply with your order to stop with little effort on your part.

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Crate Training a Golden Retriever

Crate Training a Golden Retriever

There are many benefits to crate training a golden retriever, however when talking about crating, people often react with the notion of locking up a dog against his will, having him whining for hours until he eventually gives up and stops. Although inexperienced or misinformed dog owners often make this mistake, it should not reflect the purpose and benefits originally envisioned in dog crating.

Dogs will instinctively search for a small and safe place to burrow into that will keep them safe and warm, crate training exists to respond to this particular need. Crate training is mostly about teaching your dog to become used to his crate, to consider the crate his own private space where he can sleep and be at ease.

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Benefits of Having a Dog

Benefits of Having a Dog

Couple days ago a fellow reader contacted me through the contacts page and requested an post featuring the benefits of having a dog, specifically focused on health benefits where dogs often help preventing or recovering from some human health problem.

When I read it, I thought to myself simply writing a plain simple text numbering a few of them and mail them back, but after giving it another thought, I decided to write such post for all to read and hopefully learn a thing or two by the end of it. However I won’t just focus on health benefits, I hope to be a bit more broad and include other kinds of benefits.

Moving on, dogs do bring a lot of benefits and some disadvantages to whomever has them. I don’t wish to compound the advantages versus disadvantages discussion as I believe it to be subjective to each dog and owner, therefore let us move on into what are the benefits of having a dog: Continue reading Benefits of Having a Dog